Inline Detections and Hunting: The Differences and Value Gained

The threat landscape is continually evolving and growing increasingly complex, therefore organizations must take a proactive approach to cybersecurity. Traditional security tools such as firewalls, intrusion detection systems (IDS), and antivirus software are no longer sufficient to protect against advanced threats. Inline security detections and threat hunting are two approaches [...]

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Attack Surface Reduction: Why It Matters.

In today's digital age, cybersecurity is more critical than ever before. With the growing number of cyber threats, it is essential to reduce the attack surface to protect your organization's assets. What is the "attack surface"? The attack surface refers to the total number of vulnerabilities, entry points, and possible [...]

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Correlation and Enrichment: Office365 and Endpoint Security

As organizations increasingly rely on cloud-based services such as Office 365 for their productivity and collaboration needs, it's critical to understand the importance of correlating logs from both the cloud service and the endpoint devices. This correlation can provide a comprehensive view of the activities taking place within the organization [...]

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Zeek vs NetFlow: Why Léargas chose Zeek

As organizations continue to rely more on networked systems for critical operations, the need for efficient and effective network traffic analysis solutions becomes increasingly important. Two popular solutions for network traffic analysis are Zeek and Netflow, and many organizations are faced with the challenge of choosing between the two. In [...]

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What is SOAR and how can it help you?

What is SOAR and how can it help you? SOAR (Security Orchestration, Automation, and Response) is a technology that enables security teams to automate repetitive tasks, aggregate multiple security tools and technologies into one unified platform, and improve the speed and accuracy of incident response. It helps organizations to streamline [...]

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Will ChatGPT Change Cybersecurity?

The leading question around the Cybersecurity community has been, "Will ChatGPT and OpenAI change Cybersecurity?". It's a great question, as those technologies are far more advanced than most of us expected them to be at this point in time. The answer is, "We aren't entirely sure, but we have an [...]

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Why should I use Léargas Security for data leak detection?

Data leak detection is a technology that helps organizations identify and prevent the unauthorized disclosure of sensitive or confidential information. Léargas automates this process, by leveraging artifacts collected from live network traffic, and automatically scouring data leak sites for those artifacts. Using Natural Language Processing, discovery of data leaks can [...]

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